We are working across all Russia


170006, Apt 1 study room TNP, 54 Uchitelskaya, Tver, Tver region, Russia

Working time:
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM



Details of the legal entity

Full name of the company Limited liability company «Принт-Дизайн» ("Print-Design")
Abbreviated name of the company LLC «Принт-Дизайн» ("Print-Design")
Individual tax number 6950163660
Code of the reason for registration 695001001
Legal address of the company 170006, Apt 1 study room TNP, 54 Uchitelskaya, Tver, Tver region, Russia
The actual address of the company 170006, Apt 1 study room TNP, 54 Uchitelskaya, Tver, Tver region, Russia
Postal address of the company 170006, Apt 1 study room TNP, 54 Uchitelskaya, Tver, Tver region, Russia
Contact phone/fax (4822) 60-85-15, 78-17-80, 78-18-10
Payment account 40702810763000001694
Current account (USD) 40702840963000000054
Transit account (USD) 40702840863001000056
Current account (EURO) 40702978163000000302
Transit account (EURO) 40702978463001000302
Name of the bank Tver Branch N8607 PJSC Sberbank, Tver, Russia
Bank identification code 042809679
Correspondent account 30101810700000000679
Bank address 170100, 8 Tryokhsvyatskaya street, Tver, Russia
Main state registration number 1136952003660
All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations 10785166
All-Russian classifier of public authorities and management 4210014
All-Russian Classifier of Administrative-territorial division objects 28401375000
All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity 18.1
All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership 16
All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms 12165
CEO (based on the Charter) Пономарева Светлана Васильевна (Ponomareva Svetlana Vasilyevna)

You have any questions?

Please send us your contact information and we will get in touch with you.